Programs: The Key Foundation/FStar Productions

FStar Productions is the multi-media production group of the Key Foundation. Each year over a dozen multi-media shows are produced for Scouting events and functions. These shows use state of the graphic art imaging, video, and animation graphics to bring the spirit and adventure of Scouting to an ever-increasing audience.

The stock and trade of FStar Productions is camp promotion shows, which are custom produced for Yankee Clipper Council Camps. The Foundation funds these shows and distributes hundreds of high definition videodisks to Troops and Packs.

Members of the Key Foundation often star in the productions. The most notable is "Random Camp Guy" played by our own Dennis Livoli. To date the Random Camp Guy Series has 5 episodes showing our hero in his never-ending battle to promote Wah-Tut-Ca Scout Reservation.

FStar Productions also works and supports the Nanepashemet Lodge Order of the Arrow Communications block. Each year they work with the Lodge youth to produce the annual theme show which as become the highlight of the Lodge Banquet.

A favorite production is the opening campfire at Wah-Tut-Ca Scout Reservation. Each week The Key Foundation produces, funds and equips the opening campfire with a multi-media experience that literally begins each week with a bang.

FStar Productions uses The Key Foundation Archives to produce historical presentations. In 2010 FStar Productions produced a film called "On My Honor", which told the story of 100 years of Scouting in Greater Lowell.

Each year over 3,000 people see an FStar Production.

FStar Productions is not limited to video products. It also produces graphic displays, brochures, pamphlets and posters to promote Scouting and especially camping.

In 2008 FStar Productions created "Horse to Water Publications". This group produces "Wah-Tut-Ca and Character Magazines." Currently Wah-Tut-Ca Magazine is published three times per year and Character is produced at least annually. The Key Foundation funds the printing and distribution of these publications.

Additionally FStar Productions funds and maintains, a camp promotion site for the Yankee Clipper Council, BSA.

All FStar Productions are approved by Skippy and he is wicked important.


FStar Productions is the Key Foundation‘s multi-media production group. This group produces audiovisual shows for the promotion of Camping in the Yankee Clipper Council BSA.

Additionally using the resources of the Key Foundation‘s Archives, FStar Productions has produced historical and inspirational shows for educational and motivational purposes.

FStar Productions began in 1973 at Wah-Tut-Ca Scout Reservation. A group of Camp Staff/Arrowmen looked to make a "positive" contribution to the Scouting and Camp Communities. Their first project was to make "signs" for the Ecology Conservation area at Wah-Tut-Ca. Some of these signs are still in use today. They can be identified by an "FStar" on the back.

In 1975, the Greater Lowell Council had a new Scout Executive, Edward A. Tomasi. This Scout Executive had a keen interest in Graphic Arts and Media. Working with the youth and advisers of Wannalancit Lodge #451, they began the production of "slide shows" as well as silkscreen and printing projects.

Using two simple projectors, a dissolver, and a cassette tape they began to make camping promotion shows. With the words, "Wannalancit Lodge presents an FStar Production they were off...

Over the years the shows became more complex. Many models of "Tiffen" AV systems were purchased as well as additional Kodak Ectographic Projectors. A media center was built in the basement of the Council Office. This center included a dark room for color slide processing, a library for the slides, and boards for creating storyboards of the shows. The Lodge would show these shows as part of their Camp Promotion efforts.

Influenced by the National Order of the Arrow Conferences, FStar Productions began to create full multi-media theme shows at Lodge Banquets, Section Conclaves and Council Events. In 1983 the Lodge acquired an AVL MP10 slide projector controller. This device sent digital cues to up to 20 projectors. The National OA Shows Committee at the 1983, 86 and 88 National Order of the Arrow Conferences used this equipment.

In 1986 FStar Productions produced it‘s largest show to over 10,000 at the first MassJam in Tewksbury MA.

In 2000, The Key Foundation acquired FStar Productions and began working with the Yankee Clipper Council on camp promotion media and material. In 2003, TKF/FStar Productions produced three shows to promote Boy Scout and Cub Scout Camps. TKF produced and financed 100 VHS tapes of these shows, which were delivered to all the units of the Yankee Clipper Council.

In 2004 the shows were produced in DVD format and distributed to units.

In the days before the merger with the Yankee Clipper Council and the Greater Lowell Council, FStar production equipment was shipped to Wah-Tut-Ca Scout Reservation. This equipment was used for opening and closing campfires. The highlight of which was a "Week in Review" show at the closing campfire.

In 2001 TKF purchased digital media production and editing equipment for use at camp. This equipment, keeps the media tradition alive with "state of the art" technology.

It is estimated that thousands of Scouts and Scouters have seen an "FStar Production" in the last two years.


The Francis J. Barre Counselor of the Year Award


The Wah-Tut-Ca Whaleboat Project