Frank Barre: A Leader, Mentor, Friend and Brother

The Francis J. Barre Counselor of the Year Award

The Francis J. Barre Counselor of the Year Award is presented annually to an outstanding Counselor in Training (CIT) or first-year staff member at Wah-Tut-Ca Scout Reservation. This prestigious award includes a cash signing bonus and reinforces the values of leadership, dedication, and excellence in developing the next generation of camp staff.

Honoring the Legacy of Francis J. Barre

This award is given in honor of Francis J. "Frank" Barre, an Eagle Scout, Vigil Honor Member, Camp Director, and lifelong professional in the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Throughout his career, Frank played a pivotal role in Scouting’s summer camp programs, serving in multiple Scout Councils and camps across the country and mentoring countless young leaders.

Upon his retirement, Frank’s friends, colleagues, and fellow Scouters from the Yankee Clipper Council BSA partnered with The Key Foundation to establish this award in recognition of his tireless dedication to mentoring and developing future generations of camp leaders. His impact on Wah-Tut-Ca, Lone Tree, and Scouting programs across the region remains profound.

A Legacy That Lives On

Frank passed away in 2023, but his spirit, leadership, and unwavering commitment to Scouting continue to inspire those who follow in his footsteps. His influence on camp staff training, program development, and the Scouting community remains an enduring legacy.

Through this award, his passion for mentorship, leadership development, and fostering a strong camp staff lives on. The Francis J. Barre Counselor of the Year Award ensures that each new generation of counselors and mentors carries forward the values he championed, shaping the future of Scouting’s summer camping programs.

Past Recipients of the Frank Barre Counselor of the Year Award

These award recipients have either worked at Wah-Tut-Ca Reservation, TL Storer Reservation, or New England Base Camp

2009 Kevin Dibble

2010 Phil Danek

2013Garrett Oman

2014 Cole Ogonowski

2015 Matt Bennett

2017Conor Zawadzki Drew Anderson

2018.Conor Desgroseilliers Jacob Breen

2019 Max Gregoire Paul Simko Cam Levreault

2020 Leo Maimouni Theo Bester

2021. Shiloh Ellis

2022 Connor Walsh

2023 Abby Gaston Orla Crosse

2024 Mel Sweeney Summer Desmarteau

2025 Jackson Perschy Isabelle "Izzy" Tittler


The Diane P. Livoli Scholarship


TKF FStar Productions