The Patrick Doyle NOAC Scholarship Program

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world.

The National Order of the Arrow Conference is essential to developing Lodge members and the Lodge.

The Key Foundation heavily promoted the 2006 Conference. In July 2006, ten youth and four adults, including two members of the Key Foundation's Board of Directors, traveled to East Lansing, Michigan, via Amtrak.

Thousands of dollars were provided in Patrick Doyle Scholarships and other support materials, including "Codzilla Hats" for the delegation. There is a certain magic about NOAC. The Lodge leadership has the opportunity to visit other Lodges, share ideas, and plan improvements to the Lodge program.

NOAC 2006 was a significant moment in Nanepashemet Lodge's history. Youth leaders returned excited and motivated about the Order of the Arrow Program. Most members of the Key Foundation know exactly how they feel. Thanks to TKF's support, that spirit can be shared.

In 1988, The Key Foundation, Inc., a registered Massachusetts non-profit corporation, established The Patrick L. Doyle Scholarship.

It has two purposes:

  1. To provide the NOAC experience to youth Arrowmen

  2. To help the Lodge develop trained and motivated leaders dedicated to program growth, improvement and excellence.

Patrick L. Doyle was a life scout of Troop 55, Billerica, MA. He was also a Brotherhood member and committee chairman of Wannalancit Lodge #451 and a staff member at Wah-Tut-Ca Scout Reservation. At a Lodge Officer training program in the fall of 1982, officers and chairmen were asked to write themselves a letter. The letter was part of the goal-setting program of the training. Youth members wrote about what they hoped they would achieve by the end of the term. The letters were sealed and held by the Lodge Adviser who would return them at the end to the Lodge year. Only the youth member knew what was written.

On Thanksgiving Day in 1982 Patrick died in an automobile accident. A few months later the Lodge Adviser returned the letter to Patrick's father. Together they opened the letter. Patrick wrote of his goals to be an effective committee chairman, and hope to become a member of the ceremonial team. He also wrote about how badly he wanted to attend the next NOAC, having missed the last one for financial reasons. He was concerned about how he would raise the money to participate in the next one.

The Key Foundation named its NOAC Scholarship program for Patrick Doyle, a young man who had NOAC dreams, in honor of their friend and brother.

The 2024 Patrick Doyle Scholarship Awardees

NOAC 2024, University of Colorado, Boulder

Adam Yalcin
Michael Ponte
Keziah Reed
Malachi Reed
Gillian Bourgeois
Emily Boisson
Bree Outwater
Nathaniel Whitney
Josh Outwater
Genevieve Tappendorf
Leah Outwater
Elijah Langlais
Craig Schwab
Joseph Aste

“If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.”



The Alexander A. Vervaert Camping Grant


The Diane P. Livoli Scholarship